Band Insider: Ashlee Welch


FHS: Band Insider
Ashlee Welch
Nicolas Wilkinson
October 28

Q: What is your instrument and why?

A:  I play baritone, why you ask, because Jenny told me that since I didn’t have her class in 5th grade I would have her in 6th so when I walked in she looked at me and said I want you to try this and I’ve been playing ever since

Q: Why did you join band?

A: Reasons listed above and I thought it would be fun.

Q: What is the atmosphere in band for you? 

A: It’s a safe and friendly environment where even if you’re not super close with someone you know they’re still there for you.

Q: How are your feelings toward Band so far?

A: I love it, hands down, it’s the best part about highschool. It’s a family that I never want to leave, and it has the best memories that I can think of.

Q: If you could switch instruments, what would it be and why?

A: I know how to play violin but i would love to be able to play cello, it’s such a graceful and angelic instrument. If we are talking in marching terms i would say sax because i feel like it would be lots of fun to play.

Q: Do you enjoy band competitions? 

A: I love them, the nerves before we go on but the smiles on everyone’s face when we’re done whether we had a good run or not, it’s always so uplifting to see the smiles on the crowds faces when we are done.

Q: Do you plan taking band to a college or further?

A:Possibly, I love it and I would love to minor in music but it all depends on  if i decide to stick with the major
I have decided on. I would love to be in an orchestra one day but it all depends on what God has planned.

Nicolas Wilkinson