Student Spotlight: Thai Carver


Gracie Elliott

1. What grade are you in?

  • I’m in 9th grade.


2. What motivates you?

  • To make my parents and late grandpa proud.


3. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

  • My biggest pet peeve is loud chewing.


4. What’s your favorite subject in school?

  • Math because it’s really easy to me.


5. Who’s your current favorite teacher?

  • Jay Brooks because he has helped me improve myself, and he’s a funny and good guy.


6. What are you most scared of?

  • I’m most scared of being left out.


7. How would your friends describe you?

  • They’d describe me as funny, kind (sometimes), outgoing, smart, and energetic.


8. What’s your most useless talent?

  • My most useless talent is probably playing the piano.